Detachment Kit
Detachment Kit was born of the band members’ desire to express their musical disassociation with everything around them. While they embrace and support the current independent sonic palette, they see themselves as an inherently conceptual band that is separate from the readymade confines of scenes, labels and genre-specific musical movements. As singer Ian Menard says, “I think we are relative to the current indie scene, but we’re not card carrying members of any particular genre. Actually, my card is all maxed out. What we are looking for is debt relief.”
Ian Menard (guitar & lead vox) & Charlie Davis (guitar) are the great (de)constructors of Detachment Kit. On Of This Blood (Frenchkiss Records), the highly-anticipated follow-up full-length to their much loved 2002 debut They Raging, Quiet Army (The Self-Starter Foundation), Ian handled guitars, drums and vocals while Charlie pulled double duty playing guitar and bass. The touring version of Detachment Kit is a quartet, with a rhythm section comprised of Michael Hamilton (drums) and Bryan Mayer (bass guitar.)