Future Generations
Landscape emerged from the kind of playful creativity only possible among the closest collaborators. Five friends who all live together in Brooklyn, Future Generations brought Landscape to life by balancing their pop-minded songcraft with bursts of free-form experimentation: recording guitar riffs from the receiving end of a phone call, messing with a vintage synthesizer called the Fun Machine, building percussion tracks by sampling a batch of drum-circle recordings captured by Sansevere. So while the album’s abundance of hooky melodies makes each song immediately catchy, Landscape unfolds with an intricacy of detail that reveals more nuance and depth with every new listen.
Produced by Justin Gerrish (Vampire Weekend, Hamilton Leithauser), Landscape is also the first Future Generations release to feature their full lineup which aside from Gore includes Mike Sansevere (synthesizer, guitar, percussion), Eric Grossman (guitar), Devon Sheridan (bass), and Dylan Wells (percussion) as the latter two joined the band a few years after its’ formation.